When Is It An Appropriate Time To Take Photos At A Wedding?

When Is It An Appropriate Time To Take Photos At A Wedding?

With so much talk about ‘unplugged’ weddings and using wedding hashtags, it can get confusing for guests to know when it is appropriate to take photos on their phones or cameras at a wedding so here it is…

DO- BEFORE the ceremony by all means it is appropriate to take photos with other guests or of the venue and surrounds.

DON’T- DURING the ceremony, in fact from when your butt is in that seat, on that hay bale or in mid air (cos you are standing) it is time to put that camera/phone away and let the professionals do their job.

DO- DURING cocktail hour, now that the Bride & Groom are off doing their photo shoot you can whip out your camera and starting clicking away at all the fun antics going on.

DO & DON’T– During the reception there are some times when taking photos is absolutely fine, like when you have just sat down and you want to snap a pic of that cute favour box or entree or when you witness your grandma on the dance floor with moves you seriously didn’t know she had. There are also times you should keep it away like during the formal parts of the evening like the speeches.

Ps. You should probably check in with the Bride & Groom before wedding day to see what their thoughts are on pictures being posted to social media, some couples don’t like any photos up whatsoever, some like to wait until they can put their own up and some are checking in on the way to  the ceremony to see who has already uploaded- everyone is different!

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